Together with a team of passionate professionals with years of experience from well-known companies in the electronic cigarette industry, leading to the building of a global brand—GLAMEE, which is dedicated to disposable vape innovative design, R&D, manufacturing, and global distribution. This device will help people all around the world build up a positive, enjoyable lifestyle by offering unique, high-quality vape devices. GLAMEE has a reliable system of vape materials and e-liquid supply chain specialized in electronic cigarettes manufacturing for decades with advanced electronic technology equipment.

Shop our collection of disposable vape in wide variety of flavors. Buy best disposable vape brands like AirisBiffbarBMORDeath Row, EBDesignEnou BarEscobarsFrioBarFunky RepublicGlameeHyppeKangVapeLeafBarLucidNakedOilioOrionSmokTop ShineTysonUgly House UNOUwellVaporessoVFUNVoopooYamibar.